PRP Tubes from prpmed

What is PRP skin regeneration therapy?

PRP skin regeneration therapy is to collect your own blood, take out platelets and white blood cells from the blood, and inject it directly into areas with reduced skin function such as wrinkles and acne scars that you care about, to regenerate the skin. It is a treatment that encourages.

Platelets contained in the blood contain various growth factors that help angiogenesis and collagen production, so by injecting them into the area of concern, the cells' self-renewal power is enhanced and the skin's skin Enables rejuvenation.

Since the patient's own blood is used, there is no concern about side effects or risks.

The therapeutic effect will appear as the skin is repaired, so you can gradually feel it over a period of 1 to 3 months.

Indications for PRP skin regeneration therapy

Effective for forehead, glabellar, wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, sagging under the eyes, dents on the cheeks, nasolabial folds, acne scars, wrinkles on the neck, etc.

What is PRP?

PRP is an abbreviation for "Platelet Rich Plasma" and is a component that contains a large amount of platelets in the blood.

Platelets have hemostasis and cell-healing properties, and contain various growth factors that cause angiogenesis, fibroblast activation, and collagen production.

The blood collected from the patient is placed in a dedicated centrifuge to separate it into plasma, white blood cells + platelets, and red blood cells.

Only the platelet-rich component (PRP) is extracted and injected into the area of concern.

Applying the repair effect of platelets, it improves wrinkles and acne scars and leads to beautiful skin.

Features, effects

✔ It has the effect of rejuvenating the skin such as wrinkles, sagging, dullness, firmness and elasticity, and improvement of acne scars .

✔ Because it uses your own blood, you can do it safely without worrying about infection or allergies .

✔ The effect appears slowly from about 1 month after the treatment, and the finish is natural , so you can naturally get beautiful skin without being noticed by the people around you.

✔ Because it is a regenerative medicine that regenerates the skin itself , it is characterized by its long-lasting effect of about one year .

✔ A higher effect can be expected by repeating it multiple times .

Injection by water light injection

At our hospital, we use PRP injection by water light injection.
For small areas of concern such as around the eyes and mouth, we use injections that can be used in detail, but for the entire face, you can choose between injections.

Injection Injection can pinpoint fine wrinkles and acne scars, while prpmed allows you to set the needle depth, allowing you to inject ingredients more quickly and evenly. It is also more affordable than injections.

We will propose an appropriate injection method according to the patient's wishes.

Flow of treatment

1. Counseling Wewould like to ask about the symptoms and areas that doctors are interested in. We will examine the symptoms and decide on a treatment plan such as the site and method of injection.If you have any questions or concerns regarding treatment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

2.Please remove your face- wash makeup and wash your face.

3. Anesthesia Apply surface anesthesia and relax and wait.* A separate fee will be charged.

4. Blood collection Blood is collected with special PRP Tubes to use your own blood.

5. PRP extraction

PRP (platelet rich plasma) is extracted by subjecting the collected blood to a dedicated prp centrifuge.

6. Wipe off the cooling anesthetic prp cream to cool the treatment area.

7. PRP injection PRP (platelet rich plasma) taken from your own blood is injected into the area of concern. 

8. Aftercare Finally, cool down the area and the treatment is complete.




Those who fall under the following cannot receive the treatment.

Those who are pregnant or may be pregnant・ Those who are taking medicine that makes it difficult for blood to clot ・ Those who havea history of heart disease or cerebral infarction・ Those who have liver disease

Side effects / risks

Internal bleeding, swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration, tenderness

Internal bleeding due to the needle may remain, but it will disappear in a few days.


Is there any pain or downtime?

Please be assured that there will be almost no pain due to surface anesthesia.Immediately after injection, the treatment site may have irregularities.Needle marks may remain, but they will disappear in a few days.In rare cases, internal bleeding, swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration, and tenderness may occur.

How long will the effect of the treatment last?

There are individual differences in PRP treatment, and the appearance of the effect differs depending on the site, but the effect lasts for about one year on average.In addition, since it is a treatment that gradually repairs one's own tissue, the effect will gradually appear over a period of one to three months.

Is PRP a safe treatment?

Since it uses your own platelet-rich plasma, it is a treatment that you do not have to worry about infectious diseases or allergies.

Is there anything I should be careful about after treatment?

Please refrain from strenuous exercise, massage, drinking and smoking on the day of the procedure.In addition, please avoid bathing and only take a shower. Internal bleeding and redness may occur for several days after the procedure, but please be assured that it will be removed immediately.


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